Below we’ve collected downloadable user manuals that can help you get a smooth start with using Plandisc.
Pick the guide that best suits your profile.
Business user - User Manual (Single user)
User manual to Plandisc, if you have a Business, or single user, account.
Learn how to structure and set up your Plandisc, share your Plandisc, connecting and integrating it with your calendar as well as Microsoft 365.
Enterprise users - User Manual
Best practice and user guides for Enterprise users.
Learn how to structure and set up your Plandisc, share your Plandisc, connecting and integrating it with your calendar as well as Microsoft 365 & more.
Enterprise Administrator - User Manual
User manual for Enterprise administrators.
Learn how to manage users, themes, templates, sharing Plandisc within and outside of your Enterprise as well as connection and integrating with calendars & Microsoft 365.