In this article you will learn how to place your calendar activities in your plandisc no matter which system you are using. There are two main methods which you can use, first is email invitation, allowing you to easily integrate across all calendars, secondly there is our dedicated Outlook 365 Integration with Plandisc.
You have the opportunity to place your calendar activities in your plandisc no matter which calendar system you are using. It is a one way synchronization from your calendar to Plandisc where each ring in your plandisc has its own email address. By inviting the email to your calendar activity it will appear in your plandisc.
- Go to settings
- Find the calendar ring you want your activity to be synchronized with and click "Connect your calendar"
- Choose "one-way synchronization" as your synchronization method and click "Connect"
- Choose which details from your calendar event that should be synchronized into the plandisc ring
- Type in the domains from where the invitation can be sent from and click "add". Save your settings. The ones with the chosen domain and a plandisc license can synchronize activities from their calendars to the plandisc.
- Copy the link and add it as a receiver in your calendar activity and the activity will show in your plandisc.
- You can now invite the calendar ring from your calendar
A little best practice tip to use this function more easily is, that you can add the rings email address as a contact person in your calendar system. Then you don't need to log into Plandisc to copy all of the email addresses every time you need to synchronize a activity from your calendar to your plandisc.
How to add a contact to Outlook and Gmail
One-way synchronization with a shared plandisc
It is a possibility to do a one-way synchronization with a shared plandisc. This primarily requires that the owner of the plandisc shares the plandisc with you and gives you admin rights to the plandisc.
When you have access to the shared plandisc with admin rights you also have access to the synchronization that have already been set up, but you will also be able to set up the synchronization yourself. Now you can start synchronize your calendar with the shared plandisc.